万玉红,女,教授,博士生导师、北京工业大学教学名师。2005年7月北京工业大学应用数理学院博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。博士学位论文获得北京工业大学优秀博士学位论文。毕业后留校从事教学科研工作,研究方向包括全息与光信息处理,自适应三维成像、计算成像。2010年8月至2011年7月,受国家留学基金委资助在英国帝国理工大学物理系访学,主要从事非扫描内窥显微成像技术研究。2015年7月-8月赴阿姆斯特丹自由大学激光研究中心进行学术交流访问,主要从事超分辨率显微成像技术的研究。迄今已发表论文60余篇,主要研究结果发表在Optics and Lasers in Engineering、Biomedical Optics Express、Optics Express、Applied Optics等期刊上。已获授权国家发明专利6项。曾获北京工业大学优秀青年主讲教师、青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖和教育教学成果一等奖。入选北京工业大学“青年百人”计划、青年导师国际化能力发展计划、北京市教委中青年骨干教师计划和北京市组织部优秀人才。
1.Yi Qin,Yuhong Wan, Qiong Gong, Learning-based chosen-plaintext attack on diffractive-imaging-based encryption scheme, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 127, 105979-1-105979-5(2020).
2.Chao Liu,Yuhong Wan, Tianlong Man, Optimized Reconstruction with Noise Suppression for Interferenceless Coded Aperture Correlation Holography, Applied Optics, 59(6), 1769-1774(2020).
3.Tianlong Man,Yuhong Wan, Wujuan Yan,Xiuhong Wang,Erwin J.G. Peterman and Dayong Wang,Adaptive optics via self-interference digital holography for non-scanning threedimensional imaging in biological samples.Biomedical Optics Express, 9(6): 2614-2626(2018).
4.Hongqiang Zhou,Yuhong Wan, Tianlong Man, Adaptive imaging by incoherent digital holography based on phase change. Acta Phys. Sin. 67(4): 044202-1-044202-10 (2018).
5.Tianlong Man, Yuhong Wan, Fan Wu, and Dayong Wang,Self-interference compressive digital holography with improved axial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, Appl. Opt. 56(13), F91-F96 (2017).
6.Yuhong Wan, Fan Wu, Dayong Wang and M.K. Kim, Parallel phase-shifting self-interference digital holography with faithful reconstruction using compressive sensing, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86:38-43 (2016) .
7.Tianlong Man,Yuhong Wan, Dayong Wang, Phase shift steps extraction and phase shift error correction in partially coherent illuminated phase shifting digital holography,Apl.Opt.54(9): (2015) .
8.Yuhong Wan, Fan Wu, Jinghuan Yang, Tianlong Man “Multiple-image encryption based on compressive holgraphy using amultiple-beaminterferometer” Opt.commun.342 95~101 (2015)
9.Tianlong Man,Yuhong Wan, Fan Wu, Dayong Wang, Four-dimensional tracking of spatially incoherent illuminated samples using self-interference digital holography. Optics Communications, 342:109-113(2015)
10.Yuhong Wan, Tianlong Man, Dayong Wang, Incoherent off-axis Fourier triangular color holography, Opt. Express, 22(7), 8565~8573(2014)